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Nature's Way Pet Aquamation

A Gentle Alternative

Are you wanting to do something special to commemorate your pet after they pass? At Nature's Way Pet Aquamation, we have a gentle, compassionate eco-friendly solution for you. 

This process provides more remains than the traditional fire cremation process. These remains can be kept in a custom urn, or added to a blown-glass memorial item to allow you remember your pet how you should wish. Additionally, we have partnered with a local wildlife rehabilitation facility where we can scatter the remaining ashes of your family pets, returning them to nature.

Get a special momento to remember your pet

Before we begin the aquamation process, we will ask if you want any memorial items to remember your pet. We can create a variety of items including ink nose prints, ink paw prints and clay paw prints, as well as custom urns or blown-glass vessels.

You can bring any pet for our aquamation process and pet memorial services including cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, pocket pets and small farm animals.

Nature's Way Pet Aquamation is proud to be the first to provide aquamation, to our community. We serve all pets trusted to our care with compassion, dignity and respect. By selecting Nature's Way Pet Aquamation for your pet's aftercare, you're choosing the most gentle aftercare for your pet and making the most environmentally responsible choice for our community.

Individual Pet Aquamation

Individual pet aquamation is the water-based alternative to conventional flame cremation. Once your pet is in Nature's Way Pet Aquamation's care, we will gently place their body into an alkali bath consisting of the salts from the soil that would help their body breakdown if they were buried instead of cremated.

Local vet office pick up is free. In-home pick up is available and pricing depends on distance and size of pet. No extra charge for nights, weekends or holidays.

Under 20 LBS$149 
 21 - 80 LBS$199 
81-150 LBS $249 
 Over 150 LBS $299

Scatter Services

Scatter service is individual aquamation where we return your pets remains into nature.

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with a local protected wildlife reserve so that we can return your beloved pet back into nature beside some of the last rare-oak Savannah trees remaining.

Memorial items are still available with the scatter service.

Under 20 LBS$99 
 21 - 80 LBS$149 
81-150 LBS $199 
 Over 150 LBS $249